Monday, 12 August 2013

A duty of LOVE

How often do you get to listen to family,friends& even foes?
Well! I love to listen a lot,I mean to everything that is one of the many reasons why I had to have this blog "running". In life we should always remember to speak in a way and manner that is worth listening to. The first duty of love is to listen! oh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
This is what I tell myself everyday"I may not be perfect, but my imperfection is what makes me unique from the rest of the crowd. To me, perfection is overrated. I am happy with my "not being" perfect.  I don't believe in the word regret, I believe in the phrase 'I know I messed up, and now I learned from it.'
Take time to listen.. Its a duty afterall Remember only god can judge you forget the haters cause somebody loves you.


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