Friday, 26 September 2014


Most people often wonder what is the essence of life, if a man is but to live and die at an appointed time. This is because it is known that death is an inevitable visitor that must come and most at times it comes unexpectedly to separate us from our loved ones, wealth, properties among others. Therefore, there is need for people to wonder the essence of life, if life is like an unstable delicate thread that can cut at anytime from any point. What is the meaning of life? People have different answers to this question because to some people life may mean to make wealth and have properties. While to others it may mean to have fun while the life lasts. Few people may see life as a time to serve God and humanity.

Although life started at the time of birth in an unconscious state and ends at the time of death in an unconscious state but at death men are usually buried within a confined space in the ground not minding their wealth, properties, or status in the society. Most men lived, then died, were buried, and forgotten. No wonder King Solomon exclaimed, “Vanity, upon vanity, all is vanity.” Then Paul, the apostle, recognized this fact so he realized that he came to earth with nothing and shall depart with nothing. To Paul “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Paul  can only say this if he is among the few that came to realize that there is something more than life, itself, therefore death is not an end but only a beginning to something greater for those that earn  it. No wonder he also said, “In him I live, move, and have my being.”  There is need to live a comfortable and a fulfilled life but most men are held by the shackles of this world so they could not think of or see something higher than the things of the earth. That is why many have lived, died, and are forgotten while only few men had continued to live even though they be dead. This is because these few men spent their lives in service to God and humanity. They are those that gave humanity new beginning and new reasons to live in unity, justice, love, and harmony. These few men had dreams which they, at first, saw and had alone so they carried its pains, struggles, and difficulties alone but later and today many men have joined in their dreams because they now understood the meaning and need of those once lonely dreams. In those dreams you will find the dream of your liberty and the liberty of your nation. In those dreams you will find the dream for your right, justice, equity, love, peace, and religious tolerance. In those dreams you will find the dream to end slavery and racism among others. That is why I still say that it is a shame that men are divided by their religious belief just as they were once divided by the color of their skin. This is because many have failed to learn from history even from their own history, pains and struggles. Let us remember that God had always used people to bring changes in due time. No new beginning came easily because all came in pains just as birth is in pains. This life has no meaning when we live it empty without good purpose and dream for a better future for all humanity and target something higher than the physical.

Therefore, as many that are still wondering the essence of life; its essence maybe what we can do for God and Humanity with the life that we have now.  It is only when we have done something good with our life that we can say, “yes I live” and we given our life and the life of others a meaning.


louisolabalu said...

Ademola was the definition of "Service", humble and with a kind heart.

Live on, Demo!!!

Anonymous said...

rest on Ade!

Ishola Kola-amodu said...
