Friday 24 October 2014


Sequel to the post on Linda Ikeji's blog on thursday 23rd of October,2014 concerning Chebe Snr and a certain diiadem's munched conversation! Am so sure you all saw it, well i got a mail from chebe and he asked me to post it on my blog. HERE YOU GO!!!

I was at home and i noticed tons of pending requests on my BBM,I  did not accept any because i suspected something was wrong !I received a call from one of my close friends who informed me about the said conversation on INSTAGRAM(CHEBE_SNR). I have not logged on to any of my social accounts,i couldnt put the picture together so after the call i tried to sign in to my facebook but i got an error message saying my password was wrong. Suprisingly my gmail and instagram gave the same error messages,then i was convinced something was indeed amiss,i contacted a friend who confirmed my accounts had been hacked. Within the same hour i got a debit alert from diamond bank on my phone and a call followed from diamond bank head office in lagos,the bank's representative informed me that an invalid pin had been used on my internet platform. I confirmed to the person who called me that i was not the one and he advised me to visit the nearest diamond bank branch to unblock my account.
Since thursday i have not been myself, i have been insulted on blogs and chat platforms. The results of the hack has caused a lot of hurt for me in the last 24hours.  I am writing this piece to clear the mess the hacker created.
I am from a respectable background and i have deep respect for women, I also dont use social platform for such immoral purposes.
I hope this will simmer down the heat generating on several blogs at the moment.
Thanks .