Wednesday 2 March 2016


Remember the song 'POWERFUL' The Empire Sound Track? i spent half of my work time listening to it because it was on replay...i felt a rush of emotions . I thought of the thousands who were slain all around the world by the various terrorist groups in existence. Its hurts to lose a loved one,i have lost quite a number and i can remember the pain came from my stomach. When someone dies,it at first feels like you had a bad dream and as days pass without their presence reality finally sets in. People like me never accept the harsh 'reality' rather i choose to behave as though that person travelled to a continent where there is no internet.
i have lost quite a number of special people and am taking this time out to remember them..... In as much as the struggle in this harsh world is over  for them,they are fondly remembered.
My baby Miss Doyin Akinyemi i miss the fact that we would not talk about our lives,i hope you are at peace,I love You.
Linda Jemeni you fought so hard and you are with your maker now.......x
Olaitan Adesina my Cuzo......... I miss your ijogbon .x
Tamunotonye Davies, you will always be fondly remembered.
  Till next time keep loving yourself and each other...........xoxo

Monday 18 January 2016



Hi Guys! I am super 'dupa' excited about the New Year. I don't want to bore you but its really important i let you in on some very weird things that happened to me in 2015.
1. I was engaged in February 2015 and broke off the said engagement in the last quarter of 2015.
2. I was physically and emotionally abused in the said relationship.
That's enough information for you be able to relate with my situation,in as much as i don't claim perfection i know i deserved a lot better that's why i gave up on the bloody madness called a relationship.
FINALLY PEOPLE 2016 brought happiness and inner peace. I was blessed with a really fantastic present on the 3rd of January, 2016 and its been great.
Bottom line, its not actually about me,2016 will be great,there is plenty of hope out there. Your Joy is of utmost importance, don't ever let the devil take your joy because its important to your well being. ..
I wish you all a wonderful 2016.
Keep loving,Keep believing.
1. Work Hard
2.Fight Harder
3.Love Hardest......
Til' next time xxx

Friday 9 January 2015


I know i have been off for a while,am here to completely fill y'all in!  First it was NYSC CAMP. Trust me!!!!! it was horrible KATSINA was my initial place of deployment and i left lagos on the 3rd of November to meet with the camp opening for the 4th. I honestly did not have a fun ride down there but i guess its because i went by road most of the journey. Registration was so quick and i got accomodation after fighting ofcourse! for some reasoneveryone was aggressive and under pressure. i did not ENJOY the parades,lectures and camp food as a matter of fact my meal ticket was blank. i was in MAMMY like all the time and FYI
my camp had no "sapele water" i was in camp for just eleven days because i just had attend my call to bar. I met lovely people btw!!!! Nkem(MY CAMP BFF),Morenike(MY ASSISTANT CAMP BFF), Grace(OBS CORRESPONDENT), Mayo,Victory,Patricia and Jummy.

Friday 24 October 2014


Sequel to the post on Linda Ikeji's blog on thursday 23rd of October,2014 concerning Chebe Snr and a certain diiadem's munched conversation! Am so sure you all saw it, well i got a mail from chebe and he asked me to post it on my blog. HERE YOU GO!!!

I was at home and i noticed tons of pending requests on my BBM,I  did not accept any because i suspected something was wrong !I received a call from one of my close friends who informed me about the said conversation on INSTAGRAM(CHEBE_SNR). I have not logged on to any of my social accounts,i couldnt put the picture together so after the call i tried to sign in to my facebook but i got an error message saying my password was wrong. Suprisingly my gmail and instagram gave the same error messages,then i was convinced something was indeed amiss,i contacted a friend who confirmed my accounts had been hacked. Within the same hour i got a debit alert from diamond bank on my phone and a call followed from diamond bank head office in lagos,the bank's representative informed me that an invalid pin had been used on my internet platform. I confirmed to the person who called me that i was not the one and he advised me to visit the nearest diamond bank branch to unblock my account.
Since thursday i have not been myself, i have been insulted on blogs and chat platforms. The results of the hack has caused a lot of hurt for me in the last 24hours.  I am writing this piece to clear the mess the hacker created.
I am from a respectable background and i have deep respect for women, I also dont use social platform for such immoral purposes.
I hope this will simmer down the heat generating on several blogs at the moment.
Thanks .

Tuesday 7 October 2014


You have been there for me no matter what I am going through. I love you, my dear friend, and I am so excited to share this special birthday with you. This day is going to be truly special and I am so excited.
you deserve the best birthday in the world and my goal is to give it to you. Happy Birthday and let’ get ready to celebrate. The party starts as soon as we are together.
On your birthday, I like to take some time and think about all the wonderful times we have had together. I’m thankful for our special adventures and all the things that we have done as friends and I look forward to making many more memories with you.
There are so many things about our friendship that I love. Your birthday is going to be the perfect time to celebrate your day and all that our friendship means to me. I look forward to showing you how much I care.
I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found a friend like you. You make every day of my life so special. It’s my goal to make sure your birthday is one of the most special days ever. I can’t wait to party it up. lol i wish.have all the fun without me.
love you


So i guess we are all doing ok! my post law school life has been remarkable, i should apply for like a sleep contest or something because i am a "pro" now! :)
its about seven days to the release of our bar 2 results*sigh* trust me i have taken over from Joseph the dreamer from the HOLY BIBLE. CHAI! i have been dreaming sha o. something weird happens often, i observed that waiting for these results has somewhat affected the conversations i have with peeps!*hehehehe* rumors! gists! na only GOD know sha o!
Anyway we are all anxious but i suggest we keep believing that ALL WILL END WELL. In the mean time, get fixed, for those of us who sleep,sleep!,for those who work ,focus! ICC ABUJA can NEVER be complete without YOU.

Till next time. Am off to sleep!:)

Thursday 2 October 2014


Breaking up is especially difficult when only one wants to end the relationship.  The one who is left is in a great deal of emotional pain from the grief and loss.  He or she also feels powerless to do anything about their circumstances.  Often they do not know how to handle the pain, which feels unbearable and seems never ending.  For some people, shifting into anger seems to alleviate their pain.  Actually, anger just masks pain.  But masking the pain may be preferable to feeling it.  The pain does not go away; it just goes underground and influences behaviors in negative ways.

Sometimes breakups turn ugly.  One or both parties start behaving in ways that are inappropriate, perhaps even frightening.  Behaviors such as stalking, threatening verbally and physically, name calling, complaining to your friends/co-workers, making unwanted phone calls, sending unwanted text messaging and emails, damaging property, stealing from your partner and worse, make a breakup ugly.

Scenario 1) John finally ended his two year and half relationship with Mary after months of vacillating back and forth. It was not working out for him and he did not want to invest any more of himself in it.  Mary was devastated and she pleaded with John to give her another chance. John’s resolve weakened and they did reconcile for a few months.  But the same unpleasant dynamics between them repeated, so he ended it again. Mary refused to accept the breakup.  She kept calling John and begging him to reconcile.  She kept driving by his home.  She left messages on his car.  She called his friends trying to solicit their help.  She sent him ecards, long hysterical emails and emotional text messages.  John felt sorry for her and would take her calls and answer her messages.  He kept explaining in a caring way that the relationship was over for him.  When John was nice to Mary, her hopes for reconciliation increased.  She tried harder to have contact with John.  She knew that her behavior was harming what little relationship they had left, yet she could not stop herself.  John’s compassion for her shifted into disgust.  He felt badgered and victimized.  He avoided all contact with her and after several months Mary gave up.

Scenario 2) After breaking up and reconciling five times, Judy decided to end her 4 year relationship with Marty for good.  As before, Marty begged and pleaded with her to take him back.  When she wouldn’t, Marty became angry and bitter.  He started making phone calls and hanging up.  He started threatening her.  At first he would make statements such as ‘You better watch out.”  Then the statements escalated into “I’m going to kill you.”  Judy was frightened and did not know what to do.  She was afraid to talk to her parents. She talked to all of her friends trying to figure out what to do.  She talked to him and told him that he was frightening her, but it did no good.  Sometimes he would switch from bitterness to apology but when she would not agree to give him another chance he shifted back into anger and rage.  He wanted her to hurt as much as he was hurting.  When he saw the fear in her eyes and heard the fear in her voice, he knew he was still able to have an impact on her.  It was not the impact he wanted to have but it was better than feeling powerless. One time when he saw her going into a pub with another guy he keyed her car.  The destructive action gave him some relief from the pain of seeing her with another guy. (All scenarios are fictitious).