Tuesday 23 September 2014


EBOLA exists. if you think it doesnt check in on the left hand side of YABA.
I entered "danfo" recently! (for those who dont know what that is,i mean commercial bus in lagos) everybody in the bus became a suspect. I just did not stop sanitizing my hands and arms everytime i had a contact with persons in the bus especially the conductor, he was the biggest suspect to me. The worst part is you have to surrender yourself to the federal or state government in order to be "quarantined" oyinbo"big grammar".
My friend Okoya T. told me nobody welcomed him in his new church somewhere in port harcourt because of the fear of this horrible disease. My other friends are freaking out! Ebola scares us all! but my question is this,if your partner is positive
how can you show him or her that you love him or her? HIV/AIDS beta pass EBOLA BUT NONE GOOD SHA*chewing bitterleaf and sipping sprite*.

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